Channel: GeeksforGeeks
Category: Education
Tags: algorithmslearn to codedsa geeksforgeeksgeeks summer carnivalgeeks summer carnival geeksforgeeksinterview preparationplacement helpgeeks summer carnival 2022how to prepare for google summer of codelearn dsasandeep jaincodinggeeksforgeeksgoogle summer of codegsoc 2022examplesstartup ideasdata structures and algorithmsdata structurescoding interviewprogramming
Description: Are you Carnival ready? Because we have got you covered for one full week of fun-filled coding activities and insightful webinars where you will meet the best of the industry giants. Not just this, you will also receive hefty discounts on all our courses, get introduced to hundreds of job opportunities and get chances to win exciting rewards! Enter the carnival here - If you want to be your own boss, this webinar is for you ! Piyush Sir (Mentor @ GeeksforGeeks) will be discussing about How to get startup ideas. The best way to think of an idea for a startup is to come up with a solution to a problem that you encounter while doing (or trying to do) something. Connect with Piyush - #startup #business #startupideas #gsc2020